19th September 2024

Search Shepshed Town Council

Serving the people of Shepshed

Financial Information

Shepshed Town Council is required, in accordance with the Accounts and Audit Regulations, to complete an Annual Return setting out Accounting Statements and an Annual Governance Statement for each financial year. These statements and their supporting documentation are audited by the Council's Internal Auditor and an External Auditor.

The documents below show the statement of Accounts together with the Annual Governance Statement. This statement also gives details for the exercise of public rights.

Conclusion of Audit

Income & Expenditure Accounts


The Precept is the element of your Council Tax that is paid to Shepshed Town Council.

Every year, the Town Council draws up budgets and calculates how much money it needs for the next Financial Year. These are then submitted to Charnwood Borough Council. CBC co-ordinate the other demands from LCC, Police and themselves and come up with the rate to be paid from 1st April that year.

Account for Payment and Paid Accounts

A list of payments is published each time they are approved by Council.

Community Grants

Section 137 of the Local Government Act 1972 gives the Council the power to make grants to local groups & organisations. The following documents give details of the grants that have been awarded.

Finance Policy

Risk Assessment

Cemetery Fees

Last updated: Wed, 28 Aug 2024 13:59