19th September 2024

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Serving the people of Shepshed

Planning Applications

Disclaimer: This page should contain all undecided planning applications, but to be 100% sure contact the District/Borough Council directly. Town & Parish councils receive details of applications and are consulted on them. They can submit their views (taking into account parishioners' views), but the District/Borough Council primarily look to a parish to provide local insight and may not follow the parish's view. The public should send comments to both the Parish and District/Borough Council within any deadline period. The Town or Parish Clerk's contact details are at the top of the page. You can voice your concerns to them on any planning matter. The national Planning Portal is your one-stop shop for planning and building services online.

Mon, 17 Apr 2023

Reserved Matters Application relating to layout, landscaping, open space and internal arrangements of Outline Planning Application ref: P/21/0027/2 (erection of up to 50 dwellings with internal access roads, public open space, landscaping, surface water attenuation and associated infrastructure).

Land West of Iveshead Road Shepshed Leicestershire

Thu, 21 Mar 2024

Discharge of Conditions 9 (Construction Traffic Management), 13 (Construction Environmental Management Plan), 14 (Surface Water Drainage), 15 (Construction Phase Drainage), 17 (Drainage Infiltration Testing), 20 (Green Infrastructure Retention and Protection), 21 (Ecological Mitigation Strategy) and, 22a (Site Investigation) of Planning Application ref: P/21/2045/2 (Outline application for residential development of up to 50 dwellings with all matters reserved except for access)

Land South of Ashby Road Central Shepshed Leicestershire LE12 9BS

Mon, 27 Nov 2023

Reserved Matters application pursuant to Outline Application ref: P/21/2045/2, seeking approval of Appearance, Landscaping, Layout and Scale for the Erection of 50 dwellings (Use Class C3) together with associated access, parking and landscaping works

Land at Ashby Road Central Shepshed Leicestershire

Thu, 12 Sep 2024

Erection of new porch entrance, infill to front elevation recess, new double garage and front boundary wall with metal railings and conversion of existing garage into habitable space

10 Moscow Lane,Shepshed,Leicestershire,LE12 9EX

Mon, 3 Jun 2024

S73 application variation of P/22/0891/2 (Erection of 2 storey building comprising 8 flats with associated bin storage facilities, car parking, access and landscaping works) to vary conditions 2, 9, 12, 13, 14, 16 and 18. Variation to consist of additional first floor window to rear elevation and further details submitted to satisfy the details required by condition 9 (cycle storage) condition 12 (bin storage), conditions 13 (Boundary Enclosures) and 14 (Landscaping Scheme), condition 16 (external lighting) condition 18 (scheme for bat and bird boxes).

39A Leicester Road,Shepshed,Leicestershire,LE12 9DF

Fri, 19 Apr 2024

Reserved Matters Application for the approval of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale relating to Outline Planning Application ref: P/20/2162/2

Land West of Ingleberry Road,Shepshed,Leicestershire

Thu, 23 Nov 2023

Proposed creation of temporary construction access

Land West of Ingleberry Road, Shepshed Leicestershire

Wed, 18 May 2022

1 Mixed "A. Crown lift Yew and Lime trees over hanging road and crossing. Balance crown accordingly. 5m confirmed B. Crown reduce Yew and holly away from building 2m confirmed C. Remove dead wood from all trees." 2 Mixed "Fell x3 trees leaning towards road and barrier. Fell dead ivy clad tree. Sever ivy from all trees - (woodchip from works can be used within area)"

Asda Stores 25 Charnwood Road Shepshed LE12 9QE

Fri, 19 Jul 2024

Erection of two storey side and rear extensions and dormer to front.

25A Moorfield Place,Shepshed,Leicestershire,LE12 9AW

Thu, 28 Mar 2024

Erection of detached one-bedroom bungalow with associated works

3 Pennine Close Shepshed Leicestershire LE12 9HE

Mon, 29 Jul 2024

Variation of Conditions 2 (Approved Plans), 3 (Prevent any subdivision, creation of mezzanine floor or addition of any retail floorspace), 7 (Noise levels from external plant, servicing and acoustic treatment), 8 (Acoustic fence or any enclosure(s)), 9 (Arboricultural impact Assessment/ Tree Protection Plan), 10 (Landscaping scheme),13 (Existing and proposed site levels and finished ground floor levels) and 17 (Access arrangements & off-site highways works on Fairway Road South) of Planning Application ref: P/21/2626/2 (Hybrid application: Full permission for demolition of existing structures and erection of retail unit (Use Class E) and associated parking, landscaping and ancillary works. Outline permission (access only) for demolition of existing structures and erection of drive-thru restaurant (Class E/sui generis) and drive-thru coffee shop (Use Class E) with associated parking, landscaping and ancillary works) for amendments to site layout, northern and eastern elevations of retail unit, relocation of external plant and acoustic fence, removal of staircase with replacement ramp to eastern elevation and revised details/ alternative arrangement for off-site highway works to Fairway Road South

Land at Fairway Road South Shepshed Leicestershire

Wed, 20 Dec 2023

Erection of a drive-thru restaurant (Class E/ Sui Generis) with associated access, servicing, car parking, hard and soft landscaping and other associated works

Land at Fairway Road South Shepshed Leicestershire

Thu, 25 Jul 2024

Discharge of Conditions 16 (Pedestrian and Cycle Link), 20 (Delivery and Servicing Management Plan), 23 (Maintenance of Drainage Scheme), 27 (Detailed Lighting Scheme ) and 32 (CCTV) of Planning Application ref: P/21/2626/2 (Hybrid application: Full permission for demolition of existing structures and erection of retail unit (Use Class E) and associated parking, landscaping and ancillary works. Outline permission (access only) for demolition of existing structures and erection of drive-thru restaurant (Class E/sui generis) and drive-thru coffee shop (Use Class E) with associated parking, landscaping and ancillary works)

ALDI Stores Land at Fairway Road South Shepshed Leicestershire

Mon, 21 Aug 2023

Proposed removal of telephone box

JCN Glenmore Avenue, PC01 Glenfields Shepshed Leicestershire

Thu, 23 Nov 2023

Construction of a 49.9MW solar farm with a battery storage facility with associated access, landscaping and infrastructure (P/23/2029/2)

Land At Charley Road
Charley Road
LE12 9YA

Thu, 31 Mar 2022

Erection of 4No dwellings and associated works

5 Pick Street Shepshed Leicestershire LE12 9BB

Mon, 25 Jul 2022

1x Cherry, to be felled to ground level

24 Church Street Shepshed Leicestershire LE12 9RH

Wed, 22 Nov 2023

Construction of a 49.9MW solar farm with a battery storage facility with associated access, landscaping and infrastructure.

Land at Charley Road Charley Road Shepshed Leicestershire LE12 9YA

Thu, 6 Jul 2023

Site for the erection of up to 400 dwellings and associated infrastructure (Outline Application with all matters reserved other than access).

Land West of Tickow Lane Shepshed Leicestershire

Thu, 9 May 2024

Installation of advertisement sign (Advertisement Consent)

Land corner of Ashby Road and Tickow Lane Shepshed Leicestershire

Thu, 6 Jul 2023

Site for the erection of up to 350 dwellings with primary school and associated infrastructure to include alterations to Tickow Lane (Outline Application with all matters reserved except Principal Access).

Land west of Tickow Lane Shepshed

Tue, 4 Jun 2024

Erection of single storey front and side extension (Resubmission of Planning Application ref: P/23/0457/2)

60 Countrymans Way Shepshed Leicestershire LE12 9RB

Wed, 5 Jan 2022

Site for the erection of up to 270 dwellings. (Revised scheme P/13/1641/2 refers). Removal of condition 16 of P/14/1687/2.

Land of Hathern Road Shepshed Leicestershire

Mon, 3 Jun 2024

Display of 1no. barrier sign and advertisement board (Retrospective Application) (Advertisement Consent)

Land off Hathern Road Shepshed Leicestershire

Thu, 15 Aug 2024

Discharge of obligation, Schedule 3, clause 1 (Submission of Affordable Housing Scheme) (planning applications P/20/1952/2 and P/13/1838/2 refer)

Land at Oakley Road & Hallamford Road,Oakley Road,Shepshed,Leicestershire,LE12 9AU

Wed, 27 Jul 2022

Erection of 128no. dwellings, including new access off Snells Nook Lane and associated infrastructure

Land off Snells Nook Lane Loughborough Leicestershire

Tue, 26 Mar 2024

Section 73 Variation of Condition 1 (Approved Plans) of Planning Application ref:P/22/1524/2 (Reserved Matters approval for 210 dwellings with associated access, landscaping, open space, sustainable drainage, and other associated infrastructure, following approval of outline app. ref: P/20/2088/2). Variation to consist of retrospective changes to farmers track

Land off Ashby Road West Shepshed Leicestershire

Wed, 10 Apr 2024

Alteration to existing vehicle garage and showroom to extend the building, add a first floor office, change the elevational treatment and replace the signage

Adams Car Sales Ltd. Ashby Road West Shepshed Leicestershire

Mon, 22 Jan 2024

Discharge of Conditions 5 (Landscaping Phasing Plan) and 15 (External Lighting) of Planning Permission ref: P/22/1524/2 (Reserved Matters approval for 210 dwellings with associated access, landscaping, open space, sustainable drainage, and other associated infrastructure, following approval of outline app. ref: P/20/2088/2)

Land off Ashby Road West Shepshed Leicestershire

Thu, 9 May 2024

Discharge of Condition 8 (Revised Elevations) of Planning Application ref:P/22/1524/2 (Reserved Matters approval for 210 dwellings with associated access, landscaping, open space, sustainable drainage, and other associated infrastructure, following approval of outline app. ref: P/20/2088/2)

Land off Ashby Road West Shepshed Leicestershire

Mon, 22 Jan 2024

Discharge of Condition 22 (Access Closure Plan ) of Planning Application ref: P/20/2088/2 (Residential development for the erection of up to 210 dwellings with associated access, landscaping, open space and sustainable drainage. (Outline - Access only to be considered)).

Land off Ashby Road West Shepshed Leicestershire

Thu, 2 Mar 2023

Discharge of conditions 10 (Construction Environmental Management Plan), 12 (Land Contamination), 15 (Surface Water Drainage Scheme), 18 (Infiltration Testing), 20 (Construction Traffic Management Plan) and 28 (Scheme and Timetable for Delivery for the treatment of Public Right of Way L13 between Ashby Road West and Tamworth Close) of Planning Permission ref: P/20/2088 (Residential development for the erection of up to 210 dwellings with associated access, landscaping, open space and sustainable drainage)

Street Record Ashby Road West Shepshed Leicestershire

Tue, 11 Jul 2023

Discharge of Condition 4 (Arboricultural Method Statement)of Planning Application ref: P/22/1524/2 (Reserved Matters approval for 210 dwellings with associated access, landscaping, open space, sustainable drainage, and other associated infrastructure, following approval of outline app. ref: P/20/2088/2, Land off Ashby Road West, Shepshed, Leicestershire)

Land off Ashby Road West Shepshed Leicestershire

Fri, 9 Aug 2024

All buildings and land used in association with Health and Safety Training business. Please see schedule in Planning Statement of each building and external areas history/timeline and specific use to the building

Springfield Farm
Charley Road
LE12 9YB

Thu, 30 May 2024

Demolition of an existing dwelling and outbuilding and erection of a detached dwelling (Self build)

Rose Cottage
Nanpantan Road
LE12 9YE

Fri, 6 Jan 2023

Reserved Matters Application for the Hathern Road Access and link road to the Strategic Link Road and associated infrastructure and enabling works for Parcel E1 of the Employment Zone pursuant to outline planning permission reference P/14/1833/2, including the discharge of outline conditions 43 (Noise Assessment), 51 (Ecological Appraisal)

Garendon Park Land at West of Loughborough Loughborough Leicestershire

Tue, 7 Feb 2023

Discharge of condition 36 ( Green Infrastructure Biodiversity Management Plan) of P/14/1833/2 ( Outline planning permission for residential development up to 3,200 dwellings; up to 16 ha of employment land of B1/B2 and B8 uses; a mixed-use Community Hub of up to 4 ha comprising a local convenience retail unit (2,000 sqm); up to 1,000 sqm of other A1 retail, A2 financial and professional services, A3 food and drink, B1 business and D1 uses, sites for Gypsy, Travellers and Travelling Showpeople provision totalling 1 ha; 2 primary schools up to 2 ha each; strategic open space including allotments; access roads and new Strategic Link Road; open space/landscaping and associated works; principal means of access; restoration of Garendon Park and assets; all other matters to be reserved)

Land West of Loughborough Leicestershire

Tue, 22 Nov 2022

Discharge of condition 9 (Phasing Plan) of P/14/1833/2 (Outline planning permission for residential development and associated infrastructure)

Land at West of Loughborough Loughborough Leicestershire

Fri, 4 Nov 2022

Discharge of condition 20 (Strategic Link Road) of P/14/1833/2 (Garendon Park) (Amended plans received 22/12/2022)

Garendon Park (Land West of Loughborough SUE) Loughborough Leicestershire

Wed, 12 Jan 2022

Discharge of conditions 7 (details of hard landscaping) & 11 (scheme for treatment of PROW) of P/20/0515/2 (reserved matters of outline planning permission referenced P/14/1833/2 for the erection of 217 dwellings (phase 1a))

Garendon Phase 1a Land at West of Loughborough Loughborough, Leicestershire

Last updated: Wed, 03 Aug 2016 12:49